Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Enhancements to the Weapon Mastery feats

The Weapon Mastery feat in the PHB presents an opportunity to allow a PC to gain 4 weapon proficiency slots.

One possible enhancement to the 5th Edition system is to consider the possibility of allowing characters who are already proficient in a weapon to invest more proficiency slots in a weapon to gain better combat bonuses.

This article proposes are four tiers of weapon proficiency. A PC must already be proficient in a lower tier.

The first level of mastery is Weapon Focus which grants a +1 to hit. If the weapon is simple, it only costs 1 proficiency slot to gain Weapon focus, martial weapons cost 2 proficiency slots as they do more damage.

The second level of mastery is Weapon Specialization which grants a +2 to damage. If the weapon is simple, it only costs 2 proficiency slots to gain Weapon focus, martial weapons cost only 1 proficiency slots as the damage increment is proportionally lower.

The third level of mastery is Weapon Mastery which grants a bonus equal to weapon damage on critical damage rolls. If the weapon is simple, it only costs 1 proficiency slots to gain Weapon Mastery, martial weapons cost 2 proficiency slots as they normally do more damage.

Creating this new four-tier system of weapon proficiency allows a new fighting style for Fighters, Paladins and Rangers.

Weapon Master - You gain 4 proficiency slots to be allocated to any number of weapons of your choice.

The introduction of this system also allows the introduction of new exotic weapons to be introduced into the campaign.

Two sample fantasy weapons are as follows :

Damascus Blade ( 2,000gp, 1d8 slashing, 2 lb, Versatile(1d10), Finesse )

Proficiency: 2 slots ( 1 slot for Human / Half-Orc / Half-Elven PCs )
Focus: 2 slots
Specialization: 2 slots
Mastery: 2 slots

The Damascus blade was crafted based on an ancient technique which results in a blade which has a distinct pattern which resembles flowing water. Each Damascus is a heirloom as it requires a steel ingot based on a manufacturing process which is highly secret.

Whoever has a Weapon Specialization on the Damascus blade can increase the probability of a critical hit by 5%. ( A roll of 19 or 20, or 18-20 if the character can already perform a critical hit on a 19-20 )

Elven Warbow ( 500gp, 1d10 piercing, 3lb, Ammunition (range 180/800), heavy, two-handed )

Proficiency: 2 slots ( 1 slot for Elven or Half-Elven PCs )
Focus: 2 slots
Specialization: 2 slots
Mastery :2 slots

An Elven Warbow is a finely crafted ornamental weapon which employs a particularly heavy form of ammunition used to break the morale of Orcish Heavy infantry troops.

Whoever has Weapon Focus on the weapon can ignore piercing resistance.

Whoever has Weapon Specialization in the weapon can push an opponent 10 feet upon hitting him at a range of 30 feet.

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