Monday, December 29, 2014

Social Combat #1 - Willpower Points

A similar system can be created around the notion of Hit Points in DND5E. Recent discovery in the field of Psychology is that Willpower is also a finite resource.

Here are some points on how this system can work. This can be fully expanded into a printed product once the OGL for 5E is finalized.

Willpower Points (WP) is a function of how mentally resilient a PC is. Willpower is calculated exactly like hit points except that Charisma modifier is added to the Willpower Dice when a level is gains. A PC whose willpower is Zero loses control of his PC to the DM who will play the PC out as he see fit for the situation. The PC can also be made to automatically fail a Will save when under the control of the DM.

Willpower Dice
Monk, Barbarian, Druid, Warlock d6
Cleric, Sorceror, Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Wizard d8
Bard, Rogue d10
Noble ( New Class ) d12

Recovery of WP should be similarly to rules on the recovery of HP, a short interlude can take place when no one is trying to actively influence the PC and when the PC has a meal. Willpower dice can be spent to recover WP in such a case. A long interlude, equivalent to a long rest, can only take place when the PC engages in entertainment or carousing. They recover all their WP and half of their WP in such a case.

The DM is free to implement a system of Autonomy saves when a PC reaches 0 WP to allow PCs to maintain control of their character unless they fail their Charisma saves three times.

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